1.1 The absolute right to private property is an inalienable and fundamental human right. Private property is inviolable. The only possible way to take away private property is to prove that it was acquired illegally.
1.2 Every citizen of the United States has the right to own and dispose of land and private property without restrictions on construction, without the need to obtain permits, approvals, licenses, without obligation to hire contractors, as well as without interference from the United States government, other government officials, organizations and associations.
1.3 The owner of a land plot may not be forced to change structures, buildings or landscape against his will and may not be deprived of the right to change structures, buildings or landscape at his discretion.
1.4 Land plots and private property cannot be taxed, and cannot be confiscated for non-payment of other taxes. The entire amount of taxes that the state currently receives for private property, land and real estate, the state can receive from "alternative sources of income", without introducing additional taxes and fees from citizens.
1.5 Congress has the right to tax commercial property, land and real estate.
1.6 Every citizen of the United States of America without a license has the right to keep and multiply livestock, grow any kind of food crops on his own land. Cancellation of licenses, cancellation of all types of taxes on any pets that are not used for commercial purposes.
1.7 Guarantee of complete privacy: the right of the owner of the land plot to complete privacy and the absence of interference from the state or other parties in personal affairs.
1.8.1 Every citizen has the right to self-defense with the use of firearms in the event of an imminent threat to life.
8.2 Victims of kidnappings have the right to use any methods to save their lives.
1.8.2 Every citizen of the United States has the right to access public rivers and lakes at any time.
1.8.3 Every citizen of the United States has the right to fish freely and without hindrance with a fishing rod in public reservoirs. (mandatory fishing licensing should only apply to commercial fishing)
1.8.4 If the law contradicts the constitution, then it has no legal force.
1.9 no one can be forced to purchase services.
2.1.1 Before being officially appointed to the service, every police officer is required to pass a human rights exam and a constitutional examination.
2.1.2 The abolition of police immunity. Every police officer must be personally responsible for illegal actions and crimes. Laws and judicial precedents such as "qualified immunity" make it difficult for police officers to be held accountable for abuse of power, which undermines trust in the justice system and leaves victims without fair retribution.
2.1.3 the creation of a separate state body (or the granting of new powers to an existing body) aimed at detecting corruption and crimes of police officers.
The powers of such a body should include:
- immediate arrest of any police officer to investigate the circumstances
- seizure of weapons
- taking into custody
- suspension from service for a certain period or for life
- immediate consideration of citizens' complaints about illegal actions
2.1.4 The abolition of the mandatory crime detection plan. This will prevent illegal actions by police officers aimed at increasing statistics.
2.1.5 Limit the right of police officers to request identification. A request for identification is only possible in the case of a previously committed crime or at the time of the commission of a crime.
2.1.6 Intentional distortion of facts (falsification) in a police report = 10 years in prison, a fine of $100,000 and a lifetime suspension from service in any government agencies.
2.1.7 Laws on non-intrusion into private property should apply to cars. No one can demand to get out of a car or pull a person out by force without having an arrest or search warrant. Except if the driver is heavily intoxicated or drugged.
2.1.8 Citizens must be protected from the use of unjustified excessive force.
2.1.9 If a policeman behaves disrespectfully, allows himself to insult people or threaten them with prison, then such a policeman is suspended from working in law enforcement agencies for life.
2.1.10 Every police officer should have a body camera that records constantly, and the police officer should not be able to control whether video and audio recording is turned on or off. Recording control should be carried out remotely, by an authority separate from the police.
2.1.11 deprivation of pensions, awards and titles of all police officers who participated in the crime.
2.1.12 Inaction = participation. If police officers are present at the time of the commission of a crime by another policeman and do not take action to prevent the crime, then they bear the same responsibility as the policeman who commits the crime.
2.1.13 The activities of the police are completely open to the public, anyone can use cameras to photograph police officers or any other government employees in the performance of their duties. Recordings from police video cameras are freely available to everyone and are provided free of charge.
2.1.14 Introducing a law that law enforcement agencies have a duty to ensure the safety and security of every resident of the country, in accordance with established legislative norms.
2.1.15 Establishing the position of Chief Police Commissioner, appointed by the President of the United States, to improve law enforcement management, training, reform, and coordination.
Reducing drug crime, Protecting society, Ensuring justice.
In New York, the practice of stop-and-frisk was widely used by police in the 1990s and 2000s. According to the law, an officer could stop a person on the basis of "reasonable suspicion" and conduct a cursory search.
In 2013, a federal court found that the practice was used in a discriminatory manner against African Americans and Latinos, which led to a reduction in its use.
The law allowed the police to purposefully stop and search people based on subjective criteria, which led to systematic racial bias.
Establish stricter and clearer criteria for stopping and screening. Police officers must justify their actions with concrete, objective and documented facts, not subjective suspicions.
Recordings from breast cameras should be provided upon request for independent verification in case of complaints of abuse of power.
Legislate strict sanctions for illegal stops and inspections, including disciplinary measures up to the dismissal and criminal prosecution of police officers who violate the rights of citizens.
The term "suspicious activity" is too vague and is used as an excuse for deliberate violation of citizens' rights and unjustified biased persecution. Therefore, it is necessary to prohibit the requirement of an identity card, to stop for a search if a policeman did not witness the commission of a crime and to tighten sanctions against police officers if they violate this prohibition.
Private prisons profit from the detention of prisoners, which stimulates an increase in the number of arrests and incarcerations.
These institutions sometimes have worse conditions of detention, lack of medical care, violation of human rights and less attention to rehabilitation.
It is necessary to allow human rights organizations to conduct an independent full inspection of the conditions of detention and treatment of people, as well as to conduct interviews with prisoners.
A bill is needed to protect citizens against tyranny, causing intentional harm to society or causing intentional harm using official powers for the purpose of revenge, corruption, abuse of power.
Civil servants convicted of crimes should immediately lose the right to any service in public bodies, both at the moment and in the future. Serving in government agencies is a very demanding job. Every civil servant should understand all the responsibilities that are assigned to him
Incompetent judges whose sentences turned out to be unfair as a result of the appeal should receive points, and after reaching a certain number of points, their judicial career should be over.
2.7.1 The activities of government officials are completely transparent.
2.7.2 Anyone has the right to take photos/videos of government officials on duty.
2.7.3 Any private business or administrative building, courthouse, police station, post office and other offices providing services to people are public.
2.7.4 Anyone has the right to take video inside the premises, except for office premises, access to which is closed to visitors.
2.7.5 If employees of a private business or government agencies establish a "no filming" rule, then it can only apply to other employees of a government agency or private business.
2.7.6 If employees of government agencies or private businesses require visitors to comply with their internal rules, violating the constitution, they should be criminally responsible for violating the constitution and attempting to deprive a private individual of their rights.
2.7.7 The law on invasion of Private Territory can only be applied to the private property of citizens. And this law cannot be applied to private businesses or government agencies that provide services to the public. Except in cases when the intruder tries to invade office premises that are inaccessible to visitors.
There is no federal law in the United States providing paid parental leave, which puts low-income workers at a disadvantage, especially women, who are forced to choose between work and family.
The federal law on raising the minimum wage to $25 per hour is necessary to ensure fair compensation for labor contributions, reflecting the rising cost of living and inflation, and contributing to poverty reduction.
The adoption of this bill will help improve the financial situation of employees and maintain economic stability.
Reduction of tariffs and duties on building materials.
Increased production and supply: Supporting and encouraging the expansion of production of building materials can help reduce their cost. This includes investments in new plants and technologies, as well as assistance in increasing the extraction and processing of raw materials.
Rent regulation and Tax benefits for landlords.
1. Prohibition on dividing schools by districts. Childrens can study at any school in any district, in any state.
2. Increased funding and equitable allocation of resources.
Ensure that the education system is adequately funded so that each school can provide students with the necessary resources for quality education.
Federal and regional subsidies: Increased public investment in education, with a focus on supporting schools in underserved areas. Targeted grants: Allocation of additional grants for programs to improve the quality of education in poor and rural areas.
3. Professional development of teachers.
4. Curriculum reform Updating curricula: Updating curricula to meet modern requirements for knowledge and skills, including critical thinking, creativity and digital literacy. Implementation of an individual approach: Support for programs that take into account the individual needs of students, including programs for children with special needs and students with learning difficulties.
From the age of 10, a child has the right to free walks within a safe zone, including:
Walking in parks, courtyards and other public places;
Shopping trips.
Parents or legal representatives are required to:
Teach children the rules of safe behavior in public places, including proper behavior when crossing the road, communicating with strangers and personal safety;
Children's right to free walks should not be forcibly restricted if they follow safety rules and have the necessary training.
Parents or legal representatives may restrict the child's freedom of walking in the event of objective threats to his safety, such as adverse weather conditions or in an area of increased risk (for example, near dangerous facilities or places with a high crime rate).
Government interference in pregnancy decisions violates the right to privacy. This right is protected in international and many national laws.
Women should have the full right to make decisions about their own bodies without interference from the State.
Restrictions on abortion violate this fundamental right and undermine the principle of personal freedom, which is fundamental to human rights.
Some states prohibit compulsory union membership as a condition of employment.
This weakens trade unions and reduces their ability to protect workers' rights, which leads to a deterioration in working conditions and wages.
Construction of temporary accommodation centers. These centers should be equipped with all necessary living conditions. Personal rooms, medical care, medical examination, psychiatric care, Internet, rehabilitation and adaptation programs
Employment programs. Creating simple jobs, such as in landscaping, agriculture, or social assistance, will give the homeless a stable income and the opportunity to get back on their feet.
Public initiatives. Engaging private companies, religious organizations, and volunteers to help with food, clothing, and medical support.
There are about 15,000,000 abandoned homes in the United States. Use of abandoned buildings. Assistance with the privatization of abandoned houses for the benefit of the homeless, the involvement of volunteers and public organizations to improve the site and repair the house
If a person has no income, then he should not be subject to any taxes.
The abolition of taxes and monetary fees for lottery winnings. Any winnings must be paid immediately in full, partial payments over several years should be made illegal
Avoidance of double taxation
The abolition of value added tax for individuals with mandatory payment of this tax by companies that profit from the sale of goods, as well as a ban on price increases in connection with these changes
Inheritance taxes are unfair because people have already paid taxes on their income and property in the course of their lives.
inheritance taxation is a double tax.
for residents of the country who do not have their own housing 48 000 $.
This is the amount for 1 year necessary for existence, anything above this amount can be taxed on profits.
If the income for the year is $50,000, then the tax amount is calculated from only $ 2,000.
Tax-free income for homeowners - $24,000.
Taxing a person with both federal and state taxes is double taxation.This is unfair and therefore unacceptable.
Some churches open for money laundering. Most church owners have their own businesses, some are engaged in the construction sector, some have trucking companies, some rent out houses and other activities.
Each such type of business generates a large annual profit. Which is deliberately hidden from the tax service.
Fake donations: Churches may receive large amounts of donations from criminal organizations or individuals who are trying to legalize their income. This money can be registered as donations, and then the "clean" funds can be used or returned to the "donors" through other channels.
Consumer protection: Airports, truck stops and train stations are places where people have no choice and no alternative, especially when it comes to food, drinks or other necessary goods.
Without a ban on overcharging, sellers artificially raise prices, knowing that consumers have no other options, this leads to unfair financial burdens on travelers.
1 Reducing the financial burden on the budget.
2. Justice for legal immigrants.
3 Labor market protection
Reducing the budget deficit.
1 Banks do not have the right to view your transactions or share information about your account with anyone without a court order.
2 Banks cannot require any additional information from you when withdrawing money from your account.
Complete elimination of intermediaries between the customer and the manufacturer. Abolition of dealers. Abolition of all restrictions on purchases directly from the manufacturer
Dealers can continue to operate, but the customer has the right to buy directly from the manufacturer
A credit rating downgrade is allowed only in case of actual late payment.
1 Any business providing services to the public is public.
2 Private property laws cannot be applied to businesses, companies providing services to the public.
3 No company has the right to refuse service without a good reason.
4 All companies are required to immediately explain the specific reason for the denial of service.
If the contractor has fully or partially completed the work, but they refused to pay him for the amount of work performed, the contractor has the right to take / remove the installed materials or destroy what he has built.
The court must be unbiased, impartial and fair, assessing each specific case on the basis of events that have already occurred. The judge should not have the right to increase the punishment in order to take revenge.
To tighten the laws and regulations governing insurance activities. To introduce stricter requirements for insurance companies to provide justifications for refusals of payments and violations of the terms of policies.
To require insurance companies to disclose information about their practices, processes and rules more transparently. Provide access to data on the failure rate and grounds for failure for each insurance product.
Introduce large fines and sanctions for insurance companies that intentionally refuse to pay insurance indemnities or use unfair practices. Sanctions should be severe enough to prevent such actions.
Strengthen consumer protection laws by providing mechanisms for lawsuits and damages in the event that an insurance company violates its obligations.
Develop standards to automate and simplify the process of filing claims and paying refunds, which will reduce the likelihood of errors and fraud.
All insurance companies are required to fully reimburse all insured events.
Any insurance must be accepted and executed equally in all states.
Many laws tend to lose their relevance, but at the same time have legal force. To be able to repeal outdated laws or laws passed by mistake, it is necessary to create tools for citizens to repeal laws.
1 Insurance should cover everything.
Amending the procedure for renouncing U.S. citizenship to simplify it and reduce administrative barriers. This procedure should be completely free of charge
1. Raising the requirements for food production to the level of European standards.
2. The prohibition of using mechanically deboned meat, skin, and bones for the production of food for humans.
3. Prohibition of the use of harmful substances, dangerous dyes and preservatives that cause many chronic diseases, mutation and cancer.
Large manufacturers are increasingly forced to recall products from sale due to their non-compliance with quality standards: products turn out to be either contaminated or containing substances dangerous to health. However, those customers who have managed to purchase and use such products are harming their health. This indicates negligence and creates serious risks for consumers.
To ensure the quality and safety of all products presented in stores, it is necessary to implement mandatory product testing. Each batch of goods must undergo thorough inspection and laboratory tests at the factory before being sent for sale. Only after confirming compliance with all standards can the products be allowed for sale.
Transition to international standards, abolish outdated concepts.
The temperature is degrees Celsius.
The distance is meters.
Liquid - liters.
Volume - cubic meter.
Weight - grams, kilograms, tons.
Scientists have long discovered the many positive properties of marijuana and proved the safety of its use. Cigarettes and alcohol are much more dangerous to health, they are sold in the public domain.
An Internet user has previously paid for the Internet service and has the right to dispose of it at his discretion. Any restrictions aimed at obtaining double profits violate the rights of the consumer as a user of the service.
7.6.1 The salary of the employees is included in advance in the price of the purchased product or dish.
7.6.2 Prohibition to include tips in the payment invoice.
7.6.3 When paying, it is forbidden to ask in person or using technical devices if the customer would like to leave a tip.
Security companies are prohibited from using police fonts, uniforms that look like police uniforms, and designing cars to look like police cars.
An increase in fines for night noise is necessary to protect the health of citizens, since noise disrupts sleep, maintain public order, ensure justice by protecting the right to rest, and prevent conflicts between neighbors, which contributes to a more harmonious living.
If someone illegally occupies your private property, then you personally or the police have the right to use force to liberate your property.
Protecting tenants from unjustified financial burdens, Preventing abuse by landlords, Reducing barriers for low-income tenants, Fairness in pet deposit requirements
No one has the right to carry out transactions without the direct consent of the owner.
New Amendment to the Constitution No. 28 - no one can be forced to purchase services.
Annual registration requires significant resources from both citizens and government agencies. The abolition of this duty will reduce the number of bureaucratic procedures.
Drivers will not have to spend time and money on annual paperwork. This is especially true for those who have owned a car for many years and have no plans to sell it.
Modern databases make it easy to track the history of the car and its owners without the need for annual confirmation of information.
World experience: In many countries, cars are registered only upon purchase or change of ownership, which has proven its effectiveness and convenience.
Changing lines without turn signals for the first time is disqualification for 1 month. The second time is 6 months. The third time is 1 year.
One of the big problems on the roads is reckless driving.
This is the main cause of all accidents.
Neglecting other road users is criminal negligence, endangering the lives of all people who drive nearby.
And it is important to remember that the turn signal on does not give you the right to change lines, it only notifies you of your intentions.
Cancellation of the rating of transport companies.
Creating equal conditions
If several companies have equal opportunities to work in the market, it promotes healthy competition. Small and medium-sized transport companies get the opportunity to compete with large corporations, which stimulates innovation and the development of new services.The cancellation of the rating system allows customers to evaluate companies themselves based on personal experience, rather than focusing on possible biased ratings. This leads to a more transparent system and gives consumers more freedom of choice.
Production facilities may be associated with health risks such as emissions of harmful substances, hazardous waste or accidents. Moving such facilities outside the city limits reduces potential threats to residents. Warehouses and production facilities attract a large amount of freight transport, which can increase the load on the road network, cause traffic jams and make it difficult to move around the city.
All weighing stations should use a single truck inspection register, this will avoid unnecessary checks and waste of time.
As practice shows, permits do not affect anything, but only impose monetary levies that restrict the right to travel.
In order to provide a comfortable recreational environment and to prevent excessive noise levels, a restriction is placed on parking refrigerated trucks in close proximity to other trucks.
The minimum distance between parking space for reefers and other tractors must be a minimum of 2 miles.
Emergency medical care is not a luxury, but a necessary service that should be available to everyone, regardless of income level.
High prices for such services can discriminate against vulnerable groups of the population, including the poor, the elderly and children, which contradicts the principles of social justice.
10.2.1 Regulation of prices for medical services and medicines. Set government limits on the cost of basic procedures, hospitalization, and essential medicines.
10.2.2 Create a system of negotiations with pharmaceutical companies to reduce prices, as is done in Europe.
10.2.3 Simplify insurance plans so that they cover more basic services without hidden exclusions and high deductibles.
Oblige hospitals and clinics to publish fixed rates for their services so that patients know the cost of treatment in advance.
Introduce government subsidies and student debt cancellation programs for those who work in socially significant medical fields or in regions with a shortage of personnel..
Strengthen antitrust regulation for pharmaceutical companies and large medical networks to prevent artificially high prices.
10.6.1 To introduce a single state standard for the cost of medical education.
10.6.2 Introduce a maximum interest rate on medical education loans in the amount of 1%.